The United Methodist powers that be require several things of a person who wants to be officially admitted to the candidacy process for ordained ministry. One of the things required is a credit check.
All you have to do is go to, pay $15.00, forward the report to the district office, and then you're done. Simple, right?
Here's the problem:
I have no credit.
I don't have a credit card, and I don't have any loans.
I also have no plans to get either of these any time in the next, oh, six years.
But, I still need a credit check, as well as a FICO score. Or at least some sort of certification that neither exist for me. Oh yeah, and it can't be any company other than Equifax.
My morning was spent on the phone with Equifax's customer service representatives trying to explain that I needed a credit check even though I have no credit.
It's still not resolved.
Want to know the district office's solution? Their advice was to: "Get in debt and then pay it off really fast." Um, no.
If only I had a quarter for every time I heard, "We've never had this problem before..." I'd be rich.
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