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I miss you.


I miss you.


Excellent poem! I love the cadence.

kevin gantz


gald to see you (struggling) with buechner and o'conner and still listening to the weepies (every once in a while, I can pick one)

maybe I will get back online before too long

peace to you this day


Natalie, Natalie, come back! Come back to the blogosphere!


Haha... I'll be back soon. By the end of next week at the absolute latest!

I've been SO busy with Senior year stuff...

It's nice to know someone's concerned! :)


Excellent poem. Excellent blog-Excellent books you're reading- Tim Tyson teaches near me-I've also heard and of course read Anne Lamott and Barbara Brown Taylor and one more thing wow you are a teen?!? No way.

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Hey, your posts have inspired me! - I love the way you directly get to the point, and then work outwards.hahaha

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May all your years be as productive and exciting as 2007 & 2008. Best wishes on expanding your horizons as God leads you in new and unlistable directions.

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I very agree with your views from here.

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    Welcome to my blog; make yourself at home and leave a comment or two! There's not much about me that you can't gather from reading these pages: I'm a United Methodist student making my way through the joys and trials of college life, while looking forward to the future's possibilities in my life and Church. --Natalie Stadnick


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