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As a part of the project I am doing with the young adult clergy of Cal-Pac (we are defining this as those under 40, to have some sort of helpful representative sample) I could really use the link to the location you used for your statistics of percentages for young adult clergy. Please email me with that link.


Sure, David. You can find the statistics on the Lewis Center for Church Leadership's website at www.churchleadership.com ... I'll email you a direct link to the findings.


Are you thinking of going for a position on your Conference delegation to GC 2008? Because you should. Did you apply to give the Young Adult address there? I hope so.

We're going to have to work within the annoyingly bureaucratic system we've got for the next decade or so, until members begin to die off in larger numbers and it really starts to crumble beyond the point that people can keep living in denial. It pains me to type that, but I'm pretty sure it's true. There's no way the UMC, the church I love, can look the same 20 years from now if it's going to survive.

Natalie, God working through you gives me hope. Keep it up.


Thanks for the link. Got it covered now, and even managed to sneak a link to you in my latest blog.

more cows than people

Natalie, just found you through RevGalBlogPals, I guess you're next on the list after me! I really appreciate what I've read on your blog so far and wanted to make sure you are aware of the Fund for Theological Education, in particular their undergraduate fellows program. You'd be an excellent candidate for their programs and wanted to connect you. I'm sure with your YTI connections you've heard of them, but if not... www.thefund.org.

Keep blogging and I'll be back.

will smama

Welcome to the ring! GREAT questions... I often ask myself those things and I am twice your age (although still considered 'young' in my denomination - especially as clergy).


Welcome to RGBP!!! I so enjoyed reading your latest comments. Also, appreciated knowing your thougths about clergy (working w/ youth) not necessarily having to be "young." I am just past being "young" and a major part of my work as associate pastor is youth and children. I throughly enjoy it, occasionly worry about being "old", but love just talking with my youth. I just like to know what they are thinking about.I want to get a copy of Practicing Passion. Hope to hear some of your thoughts as you are reading it. It is refreshing to hear your viewpoints and see your depth.
1-4 Grace


Welcome to RevGalBlogPals! We are glad you joined us!


How to keep the church from dying? Keep it biblical AND relevant. How to do that? Eh. No clue. That's what I'm stumbling along musing about every day. The one thing I do know - I have to keep MY heart fresh with God, MY faith steeped in His Word. The rest I pray about, occasionally screw up and frequently wonder about...

Welcome to RGBPs! :)


Quaker Pastor

Welcome to RGBP!


welcome to Rev Gals.

I like what you write. I don't think it's true that only youthful pastors can relate to youth - but it is true that young people can easily be ignored in church. The way I see it is that we all are the church of today - not only of the church of tomorrow. I'd like to explore ways of getting older teens and young adults involved in the real life of the church - also in leadership roles - leading cell groups etc because I think what God is doing in your life is very important - as important as what he's doing in mine.


It's definitely hard to be a young voice in the UMC. My Conference had severe problems with youth presence, and oftentimes, I wasn't taken seriously because I was a youth. As a young adult, especially one preparing for ordained ministry, I face the same challenges.

The church is facing a crisis like it's never faced before, and the culture in society is changing faster than the church can get a handle on it. Youth and to a certain extent, young adults are caught in that weird culture gap...and the church can help fill it, if it only gets its act together.

At this point, I think conversation is called for -- lots of it! Contact your conference leaders, and ask to sit down with them and have a conversation about your concerns. Ask about ways that you can be involved and ways to empower other young voices to get involved. Organize something at a district (or even conference!) level. Contact your CCYM. This is the best way to get people to realize that the way they've been doing youth ministry might not be working anymore.

It's hard to change a culture that treats youth as something to be seen and not heard. People will want to say "oh, look...isn't that cute...a youth!" Unfortunately, agism is alive and well in our church.

Shawna R. B. Atteberry

Welcome to RevGals.


When I was in seminary, I worked as a youth pastor where the congregation assumed youth would flock to me because I was young too. It just doesn't work that way. In fact, I'm the youth coordinator here in NCNY, and I think I do good work, but I'm no where near to the coolness factor of our sister conference's youth coordinator, who is twice my age.

Making change? I think the hardest part is bridging the gap between those of us who are already 'in' - you know, young United Methodist nerds who, despite frustration, are involved in all the crazy hierarchy and systems and agencies - and those who are 'out - those who don't know it, and don't care about it, and have a hard time believing they'd care if they knew...


good questions, I haven't found an answer myself.


Hi Natalie, I took your blog post and lifted it up on The MethoBlog. I hope people come over an post some thoughts for you.
What thoughtful questions for a young person. I don't have answers, I am searching too. I do believe though with young people like you asking the questions, seeking, praying, the future is in good hands.


I almost laughed out loud when I read what you said about "I have to wonder how many young people actually participated in the survey, considering it is young people who are being discussed?" Unfortunately I missed this meeting, but a couple months ago an older member of our church said "We need more young people. They [being the young people] need to work on that." He missed the point, and you made it a few lines down--some of the best people I've known in ministry have been older. Let's see, there was Jackie, a retired grandmother, who led my small group in high school. Raymond is a youth pastor I've known for years who's over 70, past numerous health problems and still making a difference in the lives of young people. Maybe us young leaders aren't doing enough to help empower the older generation to help us out and walk alongside us in ministry...

Griffey Shoes

Classic exposition, I have also mentioned it in my blog article. But it is a pity that almost no friend discussed it with me. I am very happy to see your article.

Griffey Shoes

I don't know how to receive my responce.

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    Welcome to my blog; make yourself at home and leave a comment or two! There's not much about me that you can't gather from reading these pages: I'm a United Methodist student making my way through the joys and trials of college life, while looking forward to the future's possibilities in my life and Church. --Natalie Stadnick


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