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Jonathon Norman

Some college is going to be VERY lucky to have you as a student and I can't imagine how blesseed some community is going to be the day Rev. Natalie walks into their life and brings such amazing gifts. Keep doing what you are doing.



I like the imagery you use. Where are you applying?


thanks, both of ya'll...

i'm applying to berry, agnes scott, and birmingham southern...

anonymous alumna

Have you thought about UM-related Hendrix? ;-)


Good start! Are you planning on posting the rest?

And good luck on that path. It's not always an easy one, but it is a very rewarding one. (I say that now, after only being ordained for a month!)


Buechner is one of my favorite authors. I agree with one of the commenters you are very gifted and will make some congrgation very blessed to have you serving there. I think some professors are in for a challenge at whatever school you choose to enroll in!!! So cool to see how blogs let us meet so many varied people :)


deep hunger. it's spirtual and actual. When we minister we reach both.

I echo the comment above that whichever school and whichever denomination gets you ... will be so blessed. You have a passionate hunger for the Lord and will serve Him well.

I'm glad to get to know you through your blog

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Thanks for your information!

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  • About Me
    Welcome to my blog; make yourself at home and leave a comment or two! There's not much about me that you can't gather from reading these pages: I'm a United Methodist student making my way through the joys and trials of college life, while looking forward to the future's possibilities in my life and Church. --Natalie Stadnick


  • Friend of Emergent Village
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