Yes, the blog has fallen silent for a few days, and will probably remain so for a few more. I've been in Dahlonega for the past five weekends on staff for our Conference wide Spiritual Life Retreats (SLR), and tomorrow marks the beginning of my Spring Break.
I posted a reply to the two comments I received from the "60 Votes" post over at Wesley Daily. I hope it makes sense, however I'm crossing my fingers at this point as I've had three total hours of sleep today and about seven total for this whole weekend and the past five weekends. I don't do too well on too little sleep.
I'll leave you with this poem though; for a while now I've meant to put something up from my first semester's Creative Writing class. It's written in the form of a Shakespearean Sonnet.
Cool Cherry Standard
My hot tears drip down my face like ice cream
runs down a brown waffle cone in summer.
Slow, then turning into a steady stream.
Is a plain - vanilla life mine? Forever?
You've found me out for what I truly am;
I'm just plain - vanilla trying to be
Cool Cherry. Dyed red from color in a can.
Can I offer you my apology?
They said Cherry was what you desired.
And that's how I looked before the heat came.
The heat came. It made me into a liar,
stripped me bare. I'm plain - vanilla now. The same?
Even though I'll never be Cool Cherry,
Could you? Would you? Are you, still in love with me?
recovered from slr yet?
Posted by: denise | April 04, 2006 at 09:19 AM
haha yeah... i slep for about 21 hours straight. SO I think I'm pretty much recovered in that regard. Although I'm still sort of processing through the past 5 weekends in my mind.
Posted by: Natalie | April 04, 2006 at 10:32 AM
nice poem. is it about you? ever dye your hair red?
hey, it you like damien and sufjan, I bet you would like The Weepies (Deb Talan) (or did I already make this recommendation). I am on spring break too (kinda). Slept in till 10:30
Posted by: Kevin | April 05, 2006 at 11:02 AM
nope. I don't think it's about me; I didn't really have anyone in mind when I wrote. And, no I've never dyed my hair red, let alone any other color. I'd never thought about it in the hair sense though, so that's cool. I wrote it with a cherry-sauce covered vanilla ice cream cone in mind. I admit that it's sort of an odd parallel though. . .
Posted by: Natalie | April 05, 2006 at 08:03 PM
so what's the explanation of the recent silence going to be?
Posted by: denise | April 11, 2006 at 05:08 PM