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Welcome to your new blog home. I appreciate the update, and I would suggest emailing Shane to find out how to load the Wesleyan Blogroll...or someother typepad person, Tim Sisk I think just did this, and may or may not have made the transition with the blogroll.
David C


I've always hated that expression "bear with me". :)


Love the new site! I loved typepad for the time I was there. I wish they had all that I was looking for and I would have stayed here. In the end I think you will really like it. Have fun!

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    Welcome to my blog; make yourself at home and leave a comment or two! There's not much about me that you can't gather from reading these pages: I'm a United Methodist student making my way through the joys and trials of college life, while looking forward to the future's possibilities in my life and Church. --Natalie Stadnick


  • Friend of Emergent Village
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Member since 12/2005